Робот-пылесос irbis bean 0121 Robot vacuum IRBIS Bean 0121, 2600 mAh, 28W, black. Included:charging station, power adapter, remote, AAA batteries - 2, nozzle and cloth for wet, water tank, dust collector, brushes - 2, fitler - 4

Артикул: IRB0121_b
  • Робот-пылесос irbis bean 0121 Robot vacuum IRBIS Bean 0121, 2600 mAh, 28W, black. Included:charging station, power adapter, remote, AAA batteries - 2,  nozzle and cloth for wet, water tank, dust collector, brushes - 2, fitler - 4
  • Робот-пылесос irbis bean 0121 Robot vacuum IRBIS Bean 0121, 2600 mAh, 28W, black. Included:charging station, power adapter, remote, AAA batteries - 2,  nozzle and cloth for wet, water tank, dust collector, brushes - 2, fitler - 4
  • Робот-пылесос irbis bean 0121 Robot vacuum IRBIS Bean 0121, 2600 mAh, 28W, black. Included:charging station, power adapter, remote, AAA batteries - 2,  nozzle and cloth for wet, water tank, dust collector, brushes - 2, fitler - 4
  • Робот-пылесос irbis bean 0121 Robot vacuum IRBIS Bean 0121, 2600 mAh, 28W, black. Included:charging station, power adapter, remote, AAA batteries - 2,  nozzle and cloth for wet, water tank, dust collector, brushes - 2, fitler - 4
  • Робот-пылесос irbis bean 0121 Robot vacuum IRBIS Bean 0121, 2600 mAh, 28W, black. Included:charging station, power adapter, remote, AAA batteries - 2,  nozzle and cloth for wet, water tank, dust collector, brushes - 2, fitler - 4
  • Робот-пылесос irbis bean 0121 Robot vacuum IRBIS Bean 0121, 2600 mAh, 28W, black. Included:charging station, power adapter, remote, AAA batteries - 2,  nozzle and cloth for wet, water tank, dust collector, brushes - 2, fitler - 4
  • Робот-пылесос irbis bean 0121 Robot vacuum IRBIS Bean 0121, 2600 mAh, 28W, black. Included:charging station, power adapter, remote, AAA batteries - 2,  nozzle and cloth for wet, water tank, dust collector, brushes - 2, fitler - 4
    Робот-пылесос irbis bean 0121 Robot vacuum IRBIS Bean 0121, 2600 mAh, 28W, black. Included:charging station, power adapter, remote, AAA batteries - 2,  nozzle and cloth for wet, water tank, dust collector, brushes - 2, fitler - 4
    Под заказ
    11 402 руб. (129 $) 11402 цена актуальна на 23.09.2022 0:31
    На складе: много
    Транзит: много
    Доступно под заказ
    Робот-пылесос irbis bean 0121 Robot vacuum IRBIS Bean 0121, 2600 mAh, 28W, black. Included:charging station, power adapter, remote, AAA batteries - 2, nozzle and cloth for wet, water tank, dust collector, brushes - 2, fitler - 4
    Батарея2600 мАч
    Модуль Wi-FiДа
    Время зарядки300 мин
    Время уборки100 мин
    Сила всасывания1400 Па
    Щетки2 боковые
    Датчики5 ИК, 2 столкновения, подъема, падения с высоты
    Режимы уборкиАвто, точка, по спирали, по углам
    Уровень шума65 дБ
    Пылесборник200 мл
    Резервуар для воды230 мл
    УправлениеПульт ДУ, приложение IRBIS HOME, голосовые помощники
    ЗарядкаЗарядная станция, автоматическая
    Диаметр, мм300
    Высота, мм74.0000
    Вес, кг2.0000
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